Merge Subtitles

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Merge Subtitles

By this command you can read specific portion of any of the supported by EZTitles files (text, cues, formatting, text position and comments) and merge it with the currently loaded project.

Merge files command is accessible from the File menu. The regular "open" dialog will open asking you to select the file that will be merged and once selected the merge specific options will pop up:

 Read Subtitles

Read Subtitles

Subtitle Attributes

Specify what you want to read from the file: Cues, Text, Formatting, Positioning and Comments.

The Formatting option will read the formatting font (font 1, font 2), italics, underline, colors, specific background and effects.

The Positioning option will read the horizontal alignment and justification as well as vertical alignment and raised text lines.

Overwrite from beginning

Replace all subtitles starting from the first one with the contents of the selected file.


Place the subtitles from the selected file after the last subtitle in the current project.

Match Subtitle Numbers

EZTitles will compare the two files for subtitles with matching numbers. If a subtitle number from the second file matches the one in the current project, the selected attributes of current subtitles will be replaced by those in the second file.

Insert subtitles for unmatched numbers - new subtitles will be inserted in the current project for these subtitles in the second file that don't match by number the subtitles in the current project.

Match Timecodes

EZTitles will compare the two files for subtitles with identical timecodes. If timecode of a subtitle in the second file matches the timecode of a subtitle in the current project, the selected attributes of current subtitles will be replaced by these in the second file.

Insert subtitles for unmatched timecodes - new subtitles will be inserted in the current project for those subtitles in the second file that don't match by timecode any of the subtitles in the current project.

Tolerance - defines how strictly the timecodes should be matched. Tolerance of "0" frames means that the timecodes of the subtitles should be absolutely identical. Increasing the tolerance may be a good idea in some situations, for example when the second file has been created for different frame rate or when its known that minor timing adjustments were made to it.

Text Merge Options

Becomes available when the Text option is selected from Subtitle Attributes and one of the Overwrite from beginning and Match subtitle numbers options are also clicked. It provides three different options how the text will be merge:

Replace original text - Replaces the text from the opened in EZTitles file with the text from the file that will be merged.

Append new text above original - Keeps the text from the opened in EZTitles file and adds the text from the selected for merging file above it.

Append new text below original - Keeps the text from the currently opened file and adds the text from the selected for merging file below it.

Sort by In-cue and Renumber

Sorts the subtitles in ascending order depending on their time code and automatically Renumbers them before the merge is performed.