Errors and Warnings

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Errors and Warnings

The Errors and Warnings feature provides different options for controlling the working process in regards to the subtitles type which will be encoded.

The services has 4 control options listed bellow and will output a message in the corresponding warning or error log file.


The program ignores the warning and will continue with the encoding process.

Log first warning only

The program saves the first warning in the Log File and will continue with the encoding.

Log all warnings

The program saves warning for each of the non-printable characters found and will continue with the encoding.

Stop Conversion and log error

The process of encoding is instantly stopped and the error message is saved in the Log File.

Fatal Errors

The "File not found" option provides the functionality to continue the video encoding when the subtitles file is not found at the specified folder.

It is intended mainly for use with the Watch Mode, by Carbon Coder Admin application, or WFS Version of the Plug-in and can be extremely useful when some of the target clips may not contain subtitles but use the very same Target preset.

File not found has two options you can choose between :

Stop transcoding and display error

If the subtitles file doesn't exist in the specified folder, the Plug-in will cancel the current transcoding job and will display error message.

This is set as default and you must change it if you need the Plug-in to continue with the target's encoding.

Ignore and continue transcoding

If the subtitles file doesn't exist in the specified folder the transcoding job will continue, considering that the current job will not contain subtitles.

Burned-in subtitles specific Errors and Warnings

Log Files folder - Shows the destination folder where the log file will be created if any warning or error appears. The Log folder location can be configured while installing the EZTitles Plug-in.

Overlapping Subtitles - Controls the encoding of subtitles with overlapping timing. Often subtitles with overlapping timings might be considered as inconsistent and the encoding should stop but there are also situations in which it is perfectly acceptable or even necessary to have them. For more details please check the topic dedicated to Overlapping Subtitles.

Out of title Safe Area - The default title Safe Area is set to 10% from the left, right, top and bottom edges of the screen.

This is the default space subtitle have to fit in which guarantees the viewer will be able to see the whole text regardless of the monitor or TV size and resolution.

Although it is only a warning, it may be better to review the subtitles and make sure you are not over compromising with the text line length. Additionally you may expand the Safe Area via the Plug-in's Configuration dialog to prevent unintended issues like that.

Out of action Safe Area - The Action safe area expands 50% out of the title safe area. This shall be considered as the absolute maximum the title safe area borders can expand within.

A subtitle which goes out of action SA borders will most probably be incorrectly or inconsistently displayed on the viewers' monitor or TV screen.

If an error like this occurs it is suggested to cancel the encoding and edit the subtitles listed within the created log file in order to make sure they will be correctly displayed.

Closed Captions specific Errors and Warnings

 Closed Captions- Errors and Warnings 

Closed Captions- Errors and Warnings

Log Files folder - shows the destination folder where the log file will be created if any warning or error appears. The Log folder location can be configured while installing the EZTitles Plug-in.

Non-printable characters - Non-printable characters usually occurs when there is a character currently not supported by the Closed Captions formats or the file encoding has not been properly set with the Plug-in's configuration dialog. Please remember that the Closed Captions are restricted to accept characters part of the English and Spanish alphabets only. All other symbols will be indicated as non-printable by the Plug-in and therefore deleted.

Insufficient time to build - Time to build indicates the required number of frames for the caption to be transmitted/displayed along with its control codes. If there is a caption with insufficient time to build the Plug-in will automatically delay the moment the next caption will be displayed. Although it is suggested to review and check the closed captions when such warning is generated.

Teletext specific Errors and Warnings

 Teletext Warnings and Errors 

Teletext Warnings and Errors

Log Files folder - shows the destination folder where the log files will be created if any warning or error appears. The Log folder location can be configured when installing the EZTitles Plug-in.

Non-printable characters - Non-printable characters usually occurs when the subtitle's file encoding has not been properly set with the Plug-in's configuration dialog.

If, by any means a non-printable character has been found within the current subtitle file, it is suggested to cancel the encoding process, review and edit the reported subtitle or subtitles.

All non-printable characters found within the file will be automatically deleted by the EZTitles Plug-in and won't be displayed in the output video clip.

Long Lines - Long lines shall be considered as text row which exceeds the maximum allowed 38 characters, including the spaces.

Each line that is longer will suffer a loss of characters or may loose whole phrases when displayed on the TV.

It is suggested to cancel the encoding, review and edit the reported subtitle.