Split Subtitles

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Split Subtitles

 Options for Split subtitles

Options for Split subtitles

The split command divides the current subtitle in two subtitles according to the split rules explained below:

Stay in top half

You will remain focused on the first subtitle which is created by the split command.

Go to bottom half

You will be focused on the second subtitle created by the split command.

The next two options concern the duration of the two subtitles created by the split command:

Split at Current TC

The subtitle will be split in two parts according to the video position and the second subtitle will start from the current time code. The two new subtitles will be placed at the minimum interval specified at the Project Settings/Cues menu. Please note that the minimum duration rule is also considered.

Ignore Minimum Duration is available only when Split at current TC is selected and allows the Split command to create subtitles which are shorter than the min. duration. The subtitle will be split always at the current TC.

Split depending on the char position

The duration of the two subtitles will be calculated according to the amount of text each of them contains. The new subtitles will be placed at the minimum interval specified at the Project Settings/Cues menu. please note that the minimum duration rule is also considered.

Note: The above two options will be disregarded when Intelligent Commands are toggled on. You can also check how to toggle intelligent commands off here.
Add hyphen if split in the middle of sentence - if you decide to split the subtitle in the middle of a sentence hyphen will be inserted at the end of the first new subtitle and at the beginning of the second subtitle created by the split command.

Dash type - The dash/hyphen type can be specified here and you can use the regular dash (-). em-dash (–) characters or up to three random characters, including ellipsis (...).

Add space after/before dash - Inserts space character before the dash in the top subtitle and space after the dash in the bottom subtitle.

Remove comma before adding dashes - Removes the comma sign and replaces it with a dash when split in the middle of the sentence after punctuation mark.

Delete dash in front of the bottom subtitle - Can be used when the subtitle consists of two lines of dialogue and you need to delete the dash in front of the second subtitle created by the split command.