Preferences in Closed Captions Mode

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Preferences in Closed Captions Mode

There are few options in Edit/Preferences/Command Options dialog which are extremely useful for Closed Captions:


 Closed Captions - Preferences

Closed Captions - Preferences

First you can go to the Cues page and switch on the "Jump on next Subtitle on set Out-cue" and then the "Capture next In-cue only" options.

The first one will move you to the next subtitle when using set out-cue commands in Edit mode.

Thus, when you enter the text, position the video on the start of the next subtitle and press Num Ins or Num Del key, you will capture the out-cue and will be moved to the next subtitle ready for typing.

For more information about timecode entering and editing please check here.

"Capture next In-cue only" is a customization of the Num Del command.

When you subtitle continuous speech it allows you to set the next subtitle’s In-cue and leave the current Out-cue empty.

Preview and Draft Lists Indicators:

With the Appearance tab you can find two additional options, only accessible in Closed Captions mode. You can switch on the "Text between rows 5-11" and "Roll-up on multiple lines" to notify you when you have placed text on the rows between 5 and 11 or you have captions with Roll-up style applied with more than one text line.

 Closed Captions - Appearance

Closed Captions - Appearance

If there are captions that doesn't follow the requirements the Safe Area error indication in the Preview List will notify you.