Unsaved Projects

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Unsaved Projects

Temporary copies of the projects you've opened and modified but closed without saving can be reviewed from here. Unsaved projects will be kept for a period of 1 month and after that they will be deleted automatically.
Selecting the Unsaved Projects option will display the following:

On the left-hand side there is the list with all unsaved projects. If a project has more than one "unsaved" state, as in the case with the "Love Mechanics" project on the above image, they will be displayed in a sub-tree sorted by their "creation" date in descending order.

Note: There is Show All Unsaved Projects checkbox at the bottom left. It is disabled, as on the image above, whenever there is no project loaded in EZTitles.
If you have a project loaded, however, only the unsaved instances for it will be displayed by default. To view all existing unsaved project, the option has to be switched on.
To the bottom, you can see the Restore Options button, pressing it will display the following options:

Compare original with

Opens the file comparison window with the original file loaded to the left and the unsaved project to the right where the differences between the text, timing or formatting can be reviewed before deciding what to do.

Save and open

Saves the unsaved project as a new file and automatically opens it in new EZTitles instance.

Restore over original file

Overwrites the original project with the selected unsaved version.
Note: Although this action will create a new file in the Overwrite Protection folder, it may still be better to use the Save and Open instead.