Importing Subtitles

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Importing Subtitles

You can import subtitles using all standard techniques supported by Adobe Premiere®: File / Import... menu command (or the Ctrl+I shortcut), drag and drop the subtitles file in the project bin, etc.

You can choose EZT, PAC, 890, EBU (STL), RTF, Cheetah/NCI  CAP or ASCII Text subtitle files to import into Adobe Premiere® workspace.

Before loading the file a configuration dialog is displayed where you are asked to select the encodings and some other parameters.

Note that some of the file formats does not require configuration. Such formats are EZT, 890, RTF and Cheetah/NCI  CAP.

The following configuration dialogs are displayed depending on the type of the imported file:

Compressed PAC File Configuration

EBU (.STL) Configuration

ASCII File Configuration

SubRio (.srt) Configuration

MicroDVD (.sub) Configuration